Would you adopt an earless bun?

We’ll admit it—we’re completely bunny blind and think EVERY rabbit is absolutely adorable. That said, a comment about our sweet Caspian has stuck with us: “No one is going to adopt an earless rabbit; you’ll have him forever.”

While we’re more than happy to provide lifelong sanctuary to any rabbit in our care, we’re curious about how other rabbit lovers feel.

Would you adopt a rabbit with no ears? No judgment either way—we’d just love to hear your thoughts!

We’ll admit it—we’re completely bunny blind and think EVERY rabbit is absolutely adorable. That said, a comment about our sweet Caspian has stuck with us: “No one is going to adopt an earless rabbit; you’ll have him forever.”

While we’re more than happy to provide lifelong sanctuary to any rabbit in our care, we’re curious about how other rabbit lovers feel.

Would you adopt a rabbit with no ears? No judgment either way—we’d just love to hear your thoughts!